
AtaGlobal builds worldwide reinsurance relations while maintaining small business service and values


We work closely with you to gain a deep understanding of your business and its tolerance to risk, in order to place reinsurance programmes at the best available terms.


AtaGlobal Insurance and Reinsurance Inc. will seek out the most appropriate reinsurance partners for its clients in terms of structuring a Reinsurance programme to cater for the underlying risk of a client, taking the Insurers risk appetite into consideration. We also add innovation and creativity to deliver insights and a tailored portfolio of solutions.




Our unique facilities (line slips) at Lloyds market enables us to offer Personal Accident and Employer’s Liability insurance solutions to our clients as well as the insurers in Turkey.


Moreoever, navigating country specific requirements is a service we are happy to offer our clients.


We are well versed in the global market place and can help structure a policy that gives you an ability to grow internationally while feeling secure and comfortable for you are sure that your assets are well protected.


Serving the unique needs of businesses